Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Found this site randomly...  sells random stuff u'd find at like Urban.  But its stuff like this that makes me lol and smile.  Wish I could go to the store in NYC and check this stuff out.

Half full cup lol...I'd def drink out of this daily.

Always half full glass $14
Think I would get this for Boob for vday..he loves gummy bears...why not a giant one?
Giant gummy bear $12
I LOVE THIS!  how happy would I bet to make myself a cup of tea with this ducky.
Ducky tea infuser! $12
 How cute !  A bed of flowers next to my computer lol

Tulip USB hub $22 
Um cute animals + cooking utensils = I'm sold, dont' care if its not even nonstick
Mini Panda Skillet $26
This belt is adorable!

skinny patent bow belt $14
I would totally use this!
Iphone Plunger holder $8

I know most of this is a complete waste of money but I think its little things like this that helps you get through the day to day of things yah?   

1 comment:

  1. omg i love "crap" like this too!! Esp the ducky tea infuser and the cup half full. TOO CUTE!! You should do a post on room decor. just saying...
