Wednesday, September 15, 2010

just me

Hi guys 

Feeling stressed this morning.   One day I'd like to lay down to sleep w/o a thought and worry in my mind.   Being an adult is a lot different than I had imagined in our highschool years no?   Also, I dont see any of you online anymore, go on gmail chat!  I miss talking to you besides just chatting through msgs on our blogs...


  1. Sorry I haven't been on aim or gchat. Whenever I'm on mines or anyone else's blogs its bc I'm taking a break. I usually check my mail at night, but that's when you're probably alseep in Chicago. If you feel like talking, just call me or write me an email. I love emails! But I know what you mean about being an adult. I have to drink a shot of wine or half a bottle of beer so that I will knock out from the buzz. HOW SAD IS THAT?! Or else, I'm constantly thinking about something.

  2. I'm online right now, and you're not here! hehe. But yeah, I know how you feel too. Being an adult seemed so "glamourous" back then. Now it's just responsiblilities. =\ Hopefully we can plan some time to visit you soon! Cheer up! Keep blogging! I love reading them! =D
